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1. What is the Mexico 24-hour Rule?
2. Who must file into Mexican Customs?
3. What is the scope of this rule?
4. Can the shipping instructions / bill of lading details be changed after vessel departure?
5. If a shipper changes the cargo destination from FROB to a Mexican port after the vessel has sailed, can that be handled through a manifest correction?
6. Is the amendment process for Mexico the same as US Customs?
7. Restrictions on short shipments? Rollings? FROBs?
8. Carrier should not input the “HOUSE B/L” for NVOCC, it means, all NVOCC should file AMS into Mexico Customs by themselves?
9. If NVOCC file AMS into Mexico Customs by themselves, will NVOCC provide their CAAT code for YM? (in USA, when NVOCC filing their house B/L to Customs, YM have to notice US Customs about NVOCC SCAC code)
10. Where can we find additional information regarding the Mexico 24 Hour Rule?
11. The information that appears in the cargo manifests shall be transmitted through the electronic system, with the following data:
12. After the Mexico Customs receives the cargo declaration file from carrier, do they send any file back to carrier to indicate the cargo declaration is successful or not? And do they send any error message to carrier if the filing is not successful?
13. If customers forgot to provide the Tax ID, will their cargo be held by Customs?
14. Tax ID needed to be shown on Shipper and Consignee and Notify party?
15. Is Tax ID a mandatory item for all countries?
16. Will YM collect any charge from customers for filing or amending ENS?
17. Is filing SOC and Empty containers in MX 24hr rule required?18) In the MX regulation, all carriers are required to provide either goods description or HS code (at least 4 digits) for filing MX Advanced Manifest?
18. In the MX regulation, all carriers are required to provide either goods description or HS code (at least 4 digits) for filing MX Advanced Manifest?
19. Is there any emergency contact in discharge port upon receiving error message?
20. In case the agent received no successful message until vessel departs , can cargo be loaded ?
21. Who is the liable party for MX Advanced Manifest amendment?
22. Any Penalty for MX Advanced Manifest amendment? How much?
23. Must the amendment and cancellation of MX Advanced Manifest do AI to sent out to MX Customs for filing?
  • Q1 : What is the Mexico 24-hour Rule?
    Answer: The Mexico 24-hour Rule is similar to 24-hour cargo security filing already required by Canadian and United States Customs. It requires all transporters of maritime cargoes to Mexico to electronically file cargo manifests into Mexican Customs 24 hours in advance of loading the goods on the ship at origin.
  • Q2 : Who must file into Mexican Customs?
    Answer: Ocean carriers, freight forwarders and NVOCCs who issue bills of lading to transport cargo to Mexico must file into Mexico Customs for their shipments but ocean carriers, unlike U.S. AMS and Canada ACI, cannot file on behalf of their freight forwarder/NVOCC customers.
  • Q3 : What is the scope of this rule?
    Answer: The regulation applies to import cargo and transferring cargo, including both inland (rail/truck) and vessel transferring shipments. But the regulation does not apply to FROB cargo.
  • Q4 : Can the shipping instructions / bill of lading details be changed after vessel departure?
    Answer: Yes, amendments can be made to both as long as it is before documents have been presented to Mexican Customs for dispatch or release of cargo.
  • Q5 : If a shipper changes the cargo destination from FROB to a Mexican port after the vessel has sailed, can that be handled through a manifest correction?
    Answer: Yes, cargo must be transmitted immediately.
  • Q6 : Is the amendment process for Mexico the same as US Customs?
    Answer: Yes, amendment process is the same.
  • Q7 : Restrictions on short shipments? Rollings? FROBs?
    Answer: There are no restrictions. If there are short shipments or containers are rolled a memo bill or bill of lading must be created and manifested as soon as possible. FROB cargo does not have to be manifested, only Import cargo to Mexico.
  • Q8 : Carrier should not input the “HOUSE B/L” for NVOCC, it means, all NVOCC Should file AMS into Mexico Customs by themselves?
    Answer: All the NVOCC should transmit the AMS file to Mexico Customs by themselves.
  • Q9 : If NVOCC file AMS into Mexico Customs by themselves, will NVOCC provide their CAAT code for YM? (in USA, when NVOCC filing their house B/L to Customs, YM have to notice US Customs about NVOCC SCAC code)
    Answer: It is similar, but the carrier does not give notice to Mexico Customs about of the NVOCC CAAT code. The AMS files declared by the NVOCC, should show both of the CAAT of carrier and NVOCC.
  • Q10 : Where can we find additional information regarding the Mexico 24 Hour Rule?
    Answer: Information is available www.amanac.org.mx and www.aduanas.sat.gob.mx.
  • Q11 : The information that appears in the cargo manifests shall be transmitted through the electronic system, with the following data:
    1. Vessel name, country code of the flag of the vessel and voyage number.
    2. Distinctive mark of call.
    3. The CAAT in accordance with the provisions of rule 2.4.6., the maritime shipping company and shipping agent or shipping agent usually ship port.
    4. Total number of bills of lading that covers the cargo manifest.
    5. Lading numbers (master) that covers the cargo manifest.
    6. As appropriate:
    1. Country code and source port.
    2. Country code and the charging port in the case of importation and exportation discharge.
    3. Country code and transshipment port.
    4. Code of the country and port of destination.

    In the case of imports, the name, RFC (Federal Registry Code/tax identification) or tax identification register used for payment of taxes, full address and telephone number of the consignee of the goods, except in the case of bills of lading consigned to order.

    Name, RFC or tax identification register used for payment of taxes and full address of the shipper of the goods, as well as the person to be notified of the arrival, as is stated in the bill of lading.

    In the case of exports, the name, RFC or tax identification register used for payment of taxes, full address and telephone number of the shipper of the goods.

    As well as the name, RFC or tax identification register used for payment of taxes and full address of the consignee of the goods and the person to be notified on arrival, as is stated in the bill of lading.

    In the case of goods for import for household goods or carried out by diplomatic missions, consular or international organizations or in the case of foreigners, it may declare a generic RFC EMB930401KH4, OIN9304013N0 or EXTR920301TS4, as appropriate.

    In the case of those shippers, consignees or parties to notify residing in countries where there is no tax identification registration, such information will not be declared.

    8. Amount of goods and unit of measure of goods. If the goods are transported in containers and the quantity and unit of measure must be specified for each container.
    9. Gross weight or volume of the goods. If the goods are transported in containers, the gross weight or volume must be specified for each container.
    10. Description of goods will not be accepted general descriptions that do not identify the nature of goods such as "general cargo", "dry cargo", "chemicals", "perishable", "bulk merchandise", "bulk minerals", otherwise the transfer is deemed made is incorrect.
    11. Number, quantity and dimensions of containers.
    12. Seal number(s) for each container.
    13. Type of service contracted.
    14. In the case of dangerous goods, state class, division and United Nations number and a telephone number for emergencies.
    15. Bonded warehouse or fiscal area where the goods enter the loading or unloading.
    16. Date estimated departure or arrival of the vessel.
  • Q12 : After the Mexico Customs receives the cargo declaration file from carrier, do they send any file back to carrier to indicate the cargo declaration is successful or not? And do they send any error message to carrier if the filing is not successful?
    Answer: There is no "DO NOT LOAD" from Mexico Customs, and there is no "Customs release" information from Mexico Customs either. The Mexican Customs sends an acknowledgment successful. Or if there is error, will send an acknowledgment unsuccessful, indicating a description of the error detected. (If there’s any modification or update in the future, we’ll make a amendment for this item.)
  • Q13 : If customers forgot to provide the Tax ID, will their cargo be held by Customs?
    Answer: A customer who has not provided its Tax Id, could be subject to a penalty if reside in a country in the list, but it shouldn’t be the reason for the Customs hold its cargo.
  • Q14 : Tax ID needed to be shown on Shipper and Consignee and Notify party?
    Answer: Yes, the Tax Id should be shown for Shipper, Consignee and Notify Party, if his party address resides in a country in the list. You can find the country list which needs Tax ID when shipments discharged at Mexico via YM website -> Security & Regulation -> 24 Hour Advance Manifest Rule -> Mexico Customs.
  • Q15 : Is Tax ID a mandatory item for all countries?
    Answer: Tax Id presentation is waived when use of TAX ID or SIMILAR is not existent in the country where the company's fiscal address resides. One example is Singapore. You can find the country list which needs Tax ID when shipments discharged at Mexico via YM website -> Security & Regulation -> 24 Hour Advance Manifest Rule -> Mexico Customs.
  • Q16 : Will YM collect any charge from customers for amending Mexico Advanced Manifest?
    Answer: AMS correction fee: $70 for container before arriving at the POD; $150 after arriving POD.
  • Q17 : Is filing SOC and Empty containers in MX 24hr rule required?
    Answer: Only full containers including full SOC, should comply the MX 24hrs rule. The empty containers including empty SOC, should be manifested at least 24 hours before arrival to the Mexican port.
  • Q18 : In the MX regulation, all carriers are required to provide either goods description or HS code (at least 4 digits) for filing MX Advanced Manifest?
    Answer: The description and HS code are required.
  • Q19 : Is there any emergency contact in discharge port upon receiving error message?
    Answer: The messages contain a description of the error encountered, however the emergency contact is sistemas@amanac.org.mx.
  • Q20 : In case the agent received no successful message until vessel departs, can cargo be loaded?
    Answer: The cargo may be loaded.
  • Q21 : Who is the liable party for MX Advanced Manifest amendment?
    Answer: The liable of the amendment is who made the original manifestation.
  • Q22 : Any Penalty for MX Advanced Manifest amendment? How much?
    Answer: No penalties, but each amendment has a fee. Liable party would be the one who omitting to send the manifest or the one who sending the manifest without complete information.
  • Q23 : Must the amendment and cancellation of MX Advanced Manifest do AI to sent out to MX Customs for filing?
    Answer: Any modification or cancellation must be declared to Mexican Customs before arriving Mexico port.