Dear valued partner,

感謝您一直以來對陽明海運股份有限公司(以下簡稱「本公司」)的支持與信任。為確 保各位合作夥伴的權益,我們秉持誠信經營的理念,持續提供最優質的服務。在此特向 您聲明本公司人員必須堅守誠信經營原則以及一切與商業行為有關的法律,並禁止員 工從事以下行為:
Thank you for your continued support and trust in Yang Ming Marine Transport Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”). To safeguard the rights and interests of all our partners, we adhere to the integrity principles in our operations and spare no effort to provide the highest quality of services. Therefore, we hereby clearly state that all of the Company’s employees must abide by the integrity principles in the course of their duties and the laws governing commercial activities, and that the following acts are strictly prohibited.

1. 提供或收受不正當利益,所謂利益包括金錢、餽贈、回扣、禮物等有價值事物。
Offering or receiving improper benefits, including but not limited to money, gifts, kickbacks, and other valuables.

2. 以公司名義提供任何疏通費或非法政治獻金,或提供任何不符公司規定之慈善捐贈或贊助。
Providing any facilitation payments or illegal political contributions on behalf of the Company, or offering any charitable donations or sponsorships that are in violation of the Company’s regulations.

3. 本公司人員個人利益與公司整體利益產生利益衝突。
Engaging in activities leading to a conflict between the interests of the Company and those of individual employees.

4. 從事不公平競爭行為,如:固定價格、操縱投標、 限制產量與配額,或以分配顧客、供應商、營運區域或商業種類等方式,分享或分割市場。
Engaging in acts of unfair competition, such as price-fixing, bid-rigging, restricting output and quotas, or sharing or dividing markets through allocation of customers, suppliers, operating regions, or business types.

5. 利用所知悉之未公開資訊從事內線交易,或洩露予他人。
Using unpublished information accessible through one’s job to engage in insider trading or leaking it to others.

6. 洩露所知悉之營業秘密、商標、專利及著作等資訊,或蒐集與職務無關的營業秘密及智慧財產。
Disclosing information accessible through one’s job such as trade secrets, trademarks, patents, copyrights, or collecting information about trade secrets and intellectual properties unrelated to one’s job duties.

7. 與涉有不誠信行為之對象從事交易。
Engaging in transactions with parties having been involved in acts of compromised integrity.

本公司期望與您共同努力,攜手打造互信互利的合作關係。我們誠摯地邀請您一起遵 循上述道德行為守則,共同為創造公平、透明、健康的商業環境而努力。在合作中,若 您發現本公司人員有任何違反道德行為守則的行為,請立即透過本公司的專用檢舉信 箱:ymtarzantang88@hibox.bizconduct@yangming.com通知我們。經查屬實,本公司 將依規定懲處涉案人員。
We would like to work with you to build a partnership that generates mutual trust and benefit. We sincerely invite you to join us to follow the above code of ethical conduct and work together to create a fair, transparent, and healthy business environment. To report any violations of this code by Company’s employees, please write to us via ymtarzantang88@hibox.biz or conduct@yangming.com. The employees whose misconduct has been proven true will be penalized according to the Company’s regulations.

為保障您的權益,請勿要求本公司人員執行上述禁止之相關行為。本公司人員遇有他 人對本公司從事不誠信行為,其行為如涉有不法情事,本公司將把相關事實通知司法、 檢察機關。
To protect your rights and interests, please do not ask our employees to engage in the abovementioned prohibited acts. Any person found by our employees to be involved in dishonest acts that are against the laws s will be reported by the Company to the relevant judicial and prosecutorial authorities.

提醒您:若您有任何問題,歡迎您透過本公司官網Contact US聯絡本公司,本公司將由專人協助您處理。
Without the authorization and agreement of Yang Ming Marine Transport Corporation, the content of the website may not be reproduced in any form of media. Reminder: If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact the company through Contact Us, and our company will assign a dedicated person to assist you.