Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy (hereinafter the “Policy”) is part of and bound by the Terms of Use of Yang Ming’s official website (, hereinafter the “YM website”). It shall be applied to the YM website and all the other related domains operated by Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp., its branch offices and subsidiaries (hereinafter “Yang Ming” or “we”), as well as our services and intercourse with you.
Yang Ming endeavours to protect your privacy. This Policy explains the categories and purposes of personal data we collect, process and use by way of the YM website, our services and intercourse with you, as well as your related rights. In compliance with this Policy, we may collect, process and use your personal data (including private information and portrait shots, the same below) through your use of our services or the YM website, intercourse with us, or your consent.
1. Collection, Processing and Use of Personal Data
1.1 The categories and extent of personal data we collect depend on which services you use through Yang Ming and the YM website, or by the nature of your intercourse with us. Most of our services and intercourse do not require registration or your personal data. However, your personal data is needed when you request certain functionalities, services or for the purpose of satisfying mutually agreed-upon needs. The data we obtain will enable us to provide the requested services or begin the relevant procedures.
1.2 We collect your personal data in the following methods.
1.2.1 You may be required to provide personal data or fill out online forms when you request our services or certain functionalities on the YM website. This will enable us to begin the creation of your identity on YM website. The personal data thus collected usually includes but is not limited to name, mailing address, email address or phone number, as well as any information that can help us to identify you. We do not, however, collect personally identifiable information (PII) of visitors to YM website.
1.2.2 We use cookies and related technologies to collect necessary technical information about your device and browsing activity when you use our online services or visit the YM website. For details, please refer to Clause 2 of this Policy.
1.2.3 Before collecting your personal data, we may inform you via written document or electronically about the matters required by law, and proceed to collect, process and use your personal data accordingly.
1.3 We collect your personal data mainly to provide quality services, conduct marketing analysis, as well as but is not limited to the following.
1.3.1 Customize our services as per the customer’s needs.
1.3.2 Allow Yang Ming and its agents to provide services.
1.3.3 Contact you via email, telephone and other means.
1.3.4 Improve service quality (including website security, functionalities and efficiency) and provide optimal personalized services.
1.3.5 Measure, tally and analyze usage.
1.3.6 Handle and provide online/website services, including online instant service and notification service.
1.3.7 Account management.
1.3.8 Fulfill our legal and/or contractual obligations, conduct compliance reviews and exercise legal rights.
1.3.9 Satisfy mutually agreed-upon needs.
1.4 We will process and use your personal data within the scope and period necessary for the purpose of collecting such data. This period refers to the time from the initial contact for contractual transactions or services, through the negotiation stage and the duration of a contract or that of other specific purposes, to the extinguishment of the purpose of collected personal data, the retention period as stipulated by individual contract or applicable laws, the retention period as necessitated for conducting business, or any date agreed by you (the later shall prevail).
1.5 Within the scope and period necessary for the aforementioned purposes, we may provide your personal data to Yang Ming Group’s businesses, agents, suppliers or other partners. Such provision may occur across countries to allow for necessary processing of said data, facilitate relevant services or satisfy relevant needs. Compliance with this Policy is required of all. We may use your personal data in the areas where Yang Ming or the aforementioned Yang Ming Group’s businesses, agents, suppliers or other partners are located or provide services.
1.6 Apart from the aforementioned purposes and the methods therefor, we will not disclose your personal data to any third party not related to our routine business activities, the services provided or transactions conducted via the YM website or the specified needs between us before seeking your consent, except where such disclosure is required by laws, regulations or an order given by competent authorities.
1.7 We may not be able to provide you with the services needed or satisfy our mutually agreed-upon needs if you cannot provide your personal data as we request or required by applicable laws, or the data provided is incomplete or inaccurate. We may also reject or cancel our services to you and/or intercourse with you if you fake another person’s identity in the personal data you provide, or the data provided disrupts social order and good customs, infringes on others’ rights, or is likely to violate other laws where you should bear all the legal liabilities therefor.
2. Cookies and Tracking Technologies
2.1 We use cookies and log files to collect, process and use the information about you. The first-party cookies used on the YM website are set, managed and read by us. These cookies are essential to the website’s proper functioning, say, ensuring security and memorizing user settings. Without these essential cookies, we may not be able to provide services to you through the YM website, or malfunction and sluggish navigation may occur.
2.2 The YM website only uses temporary or per-session cookies rather than persistent or stored ones. Per-session cookies act as a randomly generated session ID and exist while the registered user is logged onto the website. They cease to exist by the end of a session (i.e. the user logs out of the YM website or shuts down the browser). The YM website uses temporary cookies to ensure security. Such cookies are generated by the website server every time a registered user is logged in. During the time when the registered user is connected to the website, these cookies build a connection between account name, password and linking computer, allowing the user to navigate between webpages within the same site without having to reenter account name and password. The temporary cookies enable the server to continuously verify the permitted user visiting different webpages throughout a specific session. Moreover, in order to track and avoid security loopholes (e.g. detecting a suspected hacker attack), we also use cookies to log your preferences and store Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. We do not use cookies to store directly PII.
2.3 Information about our cookies
The cookies used on the YM website
Cookie Expiry Provider
company 1 day from set/update Yang Ming
altid 1 day from set/update
ar_code 1 day from set/update
ar%5Fcode 1 day from set/update
companyid 1 day from set/update
user_id 1 day from set/update
USER%5FID 1 day from set/update
email 1 day from set/update
func 1 day from set/update
role 1 day from set/update
YM_username 1 day from set/update
YM%5Fusername 1 day from set/update
loginflag 1 day from set/update
rateappref 1 day from set/update
customercodeCN 1 day from set/update
user_idCN 1 day from set/update
loginflagCN 1 day from set/update
user_idKR 1 day from set/update
loginflagKR 1 day from set/update
Lang_ver End of each usage session
ver 1 day from set/update
localver End of each usage session
page_ver 1 day from set/update
APP 1 day from set/update
local_site End of each usage session
DOID 1 day from set/update
GC_CODE 1 day from set/update
if_PWD_OUTRULE End of each usage session
ASP.NET_SessionId End of each usage session
ASPSESSIONIDXXXXXXXX End of each usage session
ymweb End of each usage session
cookieconsent_status 365 days from set/update
name End of each usage session
id End of each usage session
if_PWD_outdate End of each usage session
TWPKI End of each usage session
YMLPKI End of each usage session
The YM website uses cookies to enable the following:
● Store your consent, domain, settings and preferences.
● Track and analyze website usage.
● Support and improve the website’s technical functionalities.
● Maintain the website’s operational necessities.
2.4 We also use log files to collect anonymous information for website usage analysis and site security monitoring. A log file is a data form used to record a registered user's activity during the period of website usage.
2.5 You may reject our cookies by changing browser or device settings. Such settings may differ depending on the browser or device you use. Please be reminded that changing settings could restrict your use on the YM website. Unless you have changed browser/device settings, we may automatically store cookies on your device when you visit the YM website.
3. Your Legal Rights to Personal Data
3.1 According to personal data protection laws and regulations, you may exercise the following rights to your personal data by requesting the following.
3.1.1 Make corrections or supplementations.
3.1.2 Make an inquiry of, review or make duplications of personal data.
3.1.3 Stop collecting, processing and using or erase personal data.
3.1.4 Portability of personal data.
3.2 You may exercise the rights set forth in Clause 3.1 in the manner stipulated in Clause 6. Before you do, we may ask you to provide your name, mailing address, email address and, if necessary, your ID documents. This allows us to identify your information in our system, facilitate the procedure, and ensure you are entitled to exercise your rights. If what you provide is incomplete or inaccurate, we may not be able to verify your true identity and may reject your rights claims.
3.3 Please be reminded that the personal data you ask to be erased may, in some cases, be retained in full or in part by us. According to applicable laws, we have the right to do so.
4. Disclaimer
4.1 You are advised to use the latest browser when visiting the YM website. We protect your personal data and our website by implementing proper and reasonable management as well as technical and organizational security measures and adopting industry-standard technologies. Despite these efforts, please be reminded that Yang Ming may not guarantee the security of your personal data or be held legally liable if you improperly use our website’s services or if the YM website is maliciously attacked in any manner by a third party.
4.2 The YM website may contain links to other websites run by third parties (hereinafter “third-party websites”). As third-party websites are not run by Yang Ming, we assume no responsibility and liability for the said websites, and this Policy does not apply to them either. When you are linked to these websites, please pay attention to contents that could potentially compromise your privacy. Therefore, please check out the terms of use and privacy statements on third-party websites before you navigate the webpages and provide any personal data to these websites.
5. Amendment to the Policy
We reserve the right to amend this Policy whenever necessary and publish the updates on the YM website. To keep you informed, if we make major changes to the use of personal data, we will publish the changes on the same website.
6. Contact Yang Ming for Questions and Suggestions
Please go to the Contact Us webpage to let our Legal Compliance Office know if you wish to claim your rights as per Clause 3 of this Policy or if you have any questions or suggestions.